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confidence coaching toronto

A confidence coach works with clients to identify their limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, and self-doubt and helps them develop strategies to overcome these obstacles and build confidence.

I do NOT believe in "fake it 'till you make it".  I also do NOT believe in saying positive affirmations in the mirror every day.

What Is Confidence?

Confidence is the level of certainty or belief you have that you can turn your dreams into reality and that you can achieve your personal, fitness, business, and relationship goals.

Confidence starts with breaking self-defeating beliefs like:

- "I can't do THAT!"

- "Who would want to buy from me?"

- "I'll always be fat"

- "Nobody wants me in a long-term relationship"

Breaking Old Beliefs

Once we break the old beliefs, and you know & feel deep inside the truth of who you are and what's possible for me, the next steps are to get a plan, get information, look at what other people do to achieve your same goals. 

The next step is to take action.

And when one thing doesn't work, you do something else.  And when that thing doesn't work, you do something else. 

Let's be real now.  A lot of things don't work out, and a lot of things do.  Keep learning & moving forward until little by little you make progress and get the results you want.

Once you make progress towards your goal, your belief in yourself & what's possible increase, therefore your confidence increases.

Once your confidence, or belief in yourself to achieve your goals increases, that will give you momentum & an aliveness to move toward your next goals, and the positive momentum continues.

Confidence Coaching Process


The coaching process typically involves setting goals, developing action plans, and providing support and accountability to clients as they work towards their objectives.

Confidence coaching can be applied in a variety of contexts, including personal and professional development, public speaking, leadership, and relationships.


Overall, confidence coaching is designed to help individuals become more self-aware, improve their communication and interpersonal skills, and develop a positive self-image that enables them to achieve their goals and lead a more fulfilling life.

The Truth Of Confidence In Most People's Lives

A lot of people have the skills, but not the confidence to succeed in life. 


People say that they’ve lost jobs and promotions because they weren’t confident enough. 

Sales agents explain that they’ve lost potential clients because they weren’t confident enough.


“If I was just a bit more confident I would have gotten that sale”


Other people explain that they don’t do the things they want in life because they just don’t have the confidence

These experiences hurt their confidence and their belief in themselves as they feel more and more frustrated, defeated, and stuck.

If you’ve lost a lot of time, money, and effort because of low confidence, it’s time to feel again what’s naturally inside of you.


Let's see if we can get to the root cause of why you feel low confidence and change it so that you feel confident in yourself. 

Let’s get our results together.

Call Now To Complete Step 1: Phone Consultation.

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