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stress management relief toronto

Many people visit therapists, psychologists and mental health professionals to help with stress management. 

Stress management support can also be offered as part of specialized programs, group therapy, one-on-one therapy or counselling.

Stress is an everyday part of life, with so many things demanding our attention and causing stress.

It's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by deadlines and frustrations.

If you're experiencing persistent or severe stress symptoms, CALL ME to see if we're a good fit to work together.


We know that getting enough sleep, practicing mindfulness or meditation, doing CBT (cognitive-behaviour therapy), staying active, and spending time with friends can help reduce stress, these are sometimes just band-aid solutions covering underlying problems.

The Good News Is There's Hope: Stress Management Coaching is designed to help you change the underlying beliefs that are constantly making you feel so stressed. 

It's more than just effective coping mechanisms to deal with stress or reduce feelings of fears related to work, relationships, or any challenging life events.

Our program is about actually changing the beliefs at the source that are causing this stress.

For example:

- If you believe you always have to achieve in order to EARN Love, you will most likely always feel stressed.

- If you believe that everything must be in perfect order & in your full control, you will most likely always feel stressed.

- If you believe that whatever you do you will always be worthless or unsuccessful, you will most likely always feel stressed.

This is not how life just is, or how you just are.  These are conditioned beliefs that can be broken to set you free.  


Pick which symptoms you're currently experiencing. 

If you're experiencing persistent or severe stress symptoms, CALL ME to see if we're a good fit to work together.


Symptoms of stress:

Stress can manifest itself in various ways, and its symptoms can differ from person to person.

Here are some common symptoms of stress:


  1. Physical symptoms:

    • Headaches

    • Muscle tension or pain

    • Fatigue or low energy

    • Upset stomach or digestive issues

    • Insomnia or changes in sleep patterns

    • Rapid heartbeat or chest pain

  2. Emotional symptoms:

    • Feeling overwhelmed or anxious

    • Irritability or mood swings

    • Restlessness or agitation

    • Feeling worthless

    • Difficulty relaxing or constant worrying

  3. Cognitive symptoms:

    • Racing thoughts or inability to concentrate

    • Memory problems or forgetfulness

    • Poor judgment or decision-making

    • Negative thoughts or self-criticism

  4. Behavioural symptoms:

    • Changes in appetite (eating too much or too little)

    • Social withdrawal or isolation

    • Procrastination or avoidance of responsibilities

    • Increased use of alcohol, drugs, or smoking

    • Nail-biting, fidgeting, or other nervous habits

It's important to recognize these symptoms and address stress before it becomes overwhelming.

If you're experiencing persistent or severe stress symptoms, CALL ME to see if we're a good fit to work together.

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